The finish line is yours.
When people take up, or want to advance with most sports,
they seek out coaching. Work with us, we’ll get you there.
Coaching for all experience levels, from beginner to advanced. Running your first mile, your next marathon, an ultra, scholastic cross country/track or trail races – we can help you grow. Our experience, skill and know-how will help you advance and achieve your goals.
No cookie cutter programs here that simply give you daily runs to just check off a list. It just isn’t that one-dimensional.
For more info on how we can help, or if you have questions, please reach out –
Coach Jim has been running competitively for the last 40 years and coaching for the last 30+ years. As student of the sport, he is always learning, growing his knowledge and experiences. He is the owner of Valley Forge Running Co.
Five Fatigues
(speed, power)
(fuel, sleep, muscle damage)
(relationships, work, school)
(strength, conditioning, form, )
Training Resources
Rated Perceived Exertion– RPE Scale is used to measure the intensity of exercise.
Running Pace Calculator– Plug in 2 variables and get the third (time, distance, pace).
VDOT Calculator– Plug in race dist & time to get speeds for different training types.
Heart Rate Training
Maffetone 180 Formula– Aerobic Heart Rate training.
Heart Rate Zones– Training Types @ % Max HR, DR. Daniels.
Field Test for Max HR– Formulas for calculating MHR are inaccurate, do a field test.
5 Minute Guide to Running With Power– “Think of Power as the effort you are expending and you won’t be too far wrong.”
Stryd Power Meter– Gold standard device for measuring and reporting power.
Palladino Power Project– Steve Palladino’s Facebook group about run training and racing with a powermeter.
The FILES– The opening to the rabbit hole of running with power.